Saturday, April 2, 2011

You Know You’re a Kindergarten Teacher When…

Babbling Abby, over at The Inspired Apple (one of the blogs that I can't get enough of) is hosting a “you know you’re a teacher” linky party.  My very first linky… I am SO EXCITED  (hopefully I do it right)!!!!

You Know You’re a Kindergarten Teacher When…

1) You’re asked about the latest book that you’ve read and your response involves a picture book.

2) You know who Betsy is (and also why she’s naughty) and you find yourself constantly humming the song.

3) You are an expert at getting knots out of shoe laces.

4) You think nothing of being called “Mommy” by a student.

5) You have addressed another adult by saying, “Hello, friend!”

6) Your heart is bursting with pride every time you hear one of your little pumpkins read for the first time!

7) You have asked your friends and family to save toilet paper rolls, plastic jars, etc.

8) You are a better phonetic speller than traditional one.

9) You regularly say things like… “please don’t chew on your shirt”, “get a tissue”, “honey, are you eating glue?” and “oops, don’t forget to wash your hands”.

10) You answer with an eager “YES!!” to the question, “Do you Tooty-Ta?”

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bird Is The Word!

A month or so ago my aunt (also a teacher) told me about a website streaming a live feed of two bald eagles sitting on their nest in Decorah, Iowa.  The two eagles take turns sitting on and tending to their three eggs, which are about to hatch any day now.  My students can’t get enough of it and little do they know we are starting our oviparous animals unit next week so the arrival of these little eaglets couldn’t be coming at a better time!

You absolutely MUST check this out ~ it’s amazing!!!  (Fair warning though, it is addicting – once you start watching you won’t want to stop!)